Thursday 2 May 2013

OUGD406. Design Practice. STUDIO BRIEF 1: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE. Design Is About Doing.

having studied the brief and having chosen to do my designing surrounding laura marlings song 'The Beast' i thought to do some more in depth research into her and the song.

Where did our love go
You will never know
How did you get home
You will never know

Did you catch yourself in the mirror?
It's a sight I understand
You considered it all for a second
And put it down to slight of hand

You know I've been running 'round for hours
Calling my egyptian blood to bear me flowers
Calling sophia, goddess of power

Instead I got the beast
And tonight he lies with me
Tonight he lies with me
Tonight he lies with me
And here comes to beast

You're okay now, I suppose
You're not pulled by the rope
I'm pulled by the pull on my throat
I'm pulled by the rope
I swing from the trees into the slope
Hold my head high, just by the tip of my toes
And he lies, he lies so sweet that I choke

Tonight I choose the beast
Tonight he lies with me
Tonight he lies with me
Tonight he lies with me
And here comes the beast

Put your eyes away 
If you can't bear to see your old lady laying
Down next to the beast
Tonight he lies with me
Tonight he lies with me
And here comes the beast

Look at yourself in the mirror
It's a sight I understand
You consider it all for a second
And put it down to slight of hand
I give you the best, the best that I can

I suggest that you be grateful
That it's your blood on my hands
And assume yourself weaker, the fall of man
And look out for the beast
Tonight he lies with me
Tonight he lies with me
And here comes the beast

Put your eyes away
If you can't bear to see your old lady laying 
Down next to the beast
Tonight he lies with me
Tonight he lies with me
And here comes the beast

The character of the Beast changes roles in the album, she added. “At some point it’s me, at some points it’s someone else, and at some points it’s not even a thing — it’s like a force,” she said. “I guess I didn’t really figure out what it was, and that’s why I ended up writing an album about it. The album is all about tugging and churning with goodness and darkness.” 
Read more at 

First Album. Alas I Cannot Swim.

i like the roughness and line work of this cover and the cursive font is really cool as well.

Second Album. I Speak Because I Can.

i think the mondrian style colouring within the letters works well and the blurred image too looks really good.

Third Album. A Creature I Dont Know.

i think this cover works fantastically well to depict movement, emotionand raw feelingfrom the charcoal marks.

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