Monday 6 May 2013

OUGD401. Context of Practice 1. Study Task 4. Modernist/Post Modernist Designers

Graphic design is really a product of Modernism. According to A History of Graphic Design by Philip B. Meggs, it was coined in 1922 by William Addison Dwiggins, a book designer, in 1922. He basically used the term to describe his activities. A graphic designer is someone who brings structural order and visual form to printed communications.

Functionality and progress, expressed through the
maxim of ‘form follows function’, became key
concerns in the attempt to move beyond the external
physical representation of reality through
experimentation in a struggle to define what should
be considered ‘modern’. 
In graphic design, modernism embraced an
asymmetrical approach to layout with strict
adherence to the grid, an emphasis on white space
and sans serif typography, and the absence of
decoration and embellishment.


1. Massimo Vignelli.

modernism is concerned with the idea that form follows function. this design entails this because the form and composition of the copy is gridded logically despite its contents. i think the design is successful because it is readable and understandably designed for ease. "the solutions should reflect the approach taken"

2. Jan Tschichold.

the design is logical and understandable and clear and easily read and not over the top and provides all the necessary information. i think the designs are successful because they are aesthetically clear and simple but still pleasing and interesting and they do the job they are intended to do. "to design it to relfect cultural and ethical values"

3. Gavin Ambrose.

the design is successful in explaining and illustrating what the book is about, what its contents are and what it aims to do which is the most appropriate way to design it. the use of the grid system and finctional imagery is also modernist. "the cultural energy of the modern movement is still burning"

4. Herbert Bayer.

the design is modernist from the use of the grid system, the use of the sans serif block typeface and the beige and orange colour scheme was often used by modernist designers. i think the image is successful because it is aestheitcally interesting and, while maintaingng form it also follows function and looks good slanted. "modernism was never a style, but an attitude"

5. Walter Allner.

this design seems modernist because of its use of shape and colour and simplicity in text and font. the design represents the content of the book and reflects its abouts in a simple way that explains and so it has modernist attributes. i think the design is somewhat successful but the possible over use of diagonal shapes is a bit confusing.


1. Jamie Reid.

the design is post modernist because it does not follow form follows function. it is messy and collaged and not about the quality or the reasoning or the understandable but the opposite for the sake of it. i think the image is successful in communicating what the band are about and what their ethos is. "reduced to caracatures of the recent past"

2. Terry Jones.

this design is definitely post modernism because of the hand rendered type, messy and purposefully unorganised composition, garish and clashing colours, everything just because and no reasoning or understanding. i think the image is unsuccessful beause it is too messy and looks rushed and uncared for or thought about and as a magazine cover it should really be understandable and communicating. "post modernism should be a critical evaluation of the issues of modernism"

3. Kazuma Nagai.

this design is post modernist because it offers a choice of the visual over the reasoning and the intent. the jazzy and outlanish marks and scribbles mimic a solar system that is very psychedelic. the massively different shapes included are indication also because modernist didnt tend to use conflicting sape and form but consistency. i think it is successful in colour and madness but it is a bit over the top and doesnt really try to achieve something or better something. "modernism had an ergency of utopianism"

4.Barbara Cruger.

this design is very post modernist and punk and against the system and rule and such which is post modernist attitude and the black and white mixed with red and randomly placed and cropped imagery and collaged type which is varying if pt size and weight. i think this design is successful in aesthetic and i like the layout because its simple but different and works well with the varying text and the black and whit eimage.

5. James Houff.

i think this design is post modern because of its overlapping, collaged, illegible form that is purely for visual as opposed to formation. it uses a decorative look and does not try to be understandable. i think this image is relatively successful in aesthetic and use of anti grid but it is still a bit messy and seems to be for the sake of it. "the lack of profound ideology brought post modenism to its end"

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