Monday 6 May 2013

OUGD401. Context of Practice. Lecture 11. Creative Advertising and New Media.

New media – media that works not through pursuasion or impressions but through engagement and involvement of audience.
Mass media – speaking to the masses. High feeling – emotive strategy – reach campaign.
Old media – transmit ideas to audience .
New media – cybernetic – engage with audience.
Shift over past 20 years from mass media to new media more targated. More personalised. Audience involvement.
 unpaid advertisitng – using web to get audience to pass content on to others – webvertising – less forced – more voluntarily viewed. People talk about ads with each other.
Internet allows ideas to circulate openly and instantly accessible. Viral videos take control of a brand from the company. Challenges top down idea.
The third screen – smart phones – apparently greatest form of advertising to come.
Kairos factor – principal of presenting desired message at ideal moment.
Future – giving people tools – using google/fb model – nike plus and grid. New media involves some sort of sampling or sneak peak prior to sales.
Larger advertising firms these days and people working world wide together.

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