Monday 6 May 2013

OUGD401. Context of Practice. Lecture 4. A History of Creative Advertising.

Large scale colour print tech developed in 1920s for soap ads for lever bros. William leaver thought of as a strat of ads with bill bernbach as another leading figure – first to combine image and text – lever bros company now unilever. Was one of the 1st british tycoons to emerge in 19th century. 1851 – development of colour printing on large scale occurred due to London great world exhibition. 1860s – cereal companies found out how to print, fold and fill cardboard boxes mechanically – by john William kellog. Soap – lever first to extend advertising to single bars of soap – brand value through ads. 1860s advertising boom – aided by tax cuts on newspapers etc – mutual relationship between papers and advertisers. 1890s ad boom tech enabled contemporary paintings to be reproduced. So colour images and paintings in magazines. Emotional strategy – enhanced by Cornwall. Selected and presented contemporary art – communicated more powerful message. Bbh has axe unilever account. First creative agencies originally just sold ad space in papers – clients provided content for ads not agency. Then US made fixed rate for ad space so agencies offered creative services aswell. 1890 – sunlight soap got royal endorsement. One of levers methods – capture the children so they pest parents to buy it. Psychology of advertising important. Soaps created soap operas from sponsoring.

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