Monday 6 May 2013

OUGD401. Context of Practice. Lecture 2. Post-Modernism.

Shiftfs from modernism and positivity, building, faith in technology, and role in design to negativity, minimalism and critical – opening of a multitude of explanations of a piece rather than a single one. No rules or regulations  - crap is good. Came around from 1960s to today. Term post modern applied to a wide range of cultural analysis and production since the 70’s. a significant shift in attitude away from the certanties of modernism. A reaction to ww2. Changes came from anti-authoritarian  challenges from the prevailing orthodoxies of the time.
Modenism born out of optimism and aspirational reaction to ww1. Ends up as a doctrine, bling obedience to a set of rules. Post modernism a reaction to those rules – only rule is there are no rules.  Kitsch – bad taste and they know and celebrate it.
Modernism – simplified aesthetic, utopian ideals, truth to materials, form follows function.
Post-modernism – complexity, chaos, bricolage, parody, pastiche,  irony. Pm has attitude of questioning modernist convention. Multiplicity of style and approach. Theme of borrowing from historical styles, knowing juxtapositions, irony, offers a space for marginalised disclosure – women, sexual diversity, multiculturalism.
Las vegas a true example of post-modernist city. Pompidou centre – post modern aesthetics. Neue stats gallerie – post modernist architecture. Andy Warhol soup cans – post modernist.
Post modernism has the attitudes of questioning convention (esp. modernism) with an aesthetic of multiplicity of styles and approaches. Shift in questioning thought and theory. Investigating crisis in confidence. Space for new voices.

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