Monday 6 May 2013

OUGD401. Context of Practice. Lecture 1. Modernism.

Modernism began in the late 19th century as the documentation of the modern and functioning. About embracing the new, technology, industrial, building something new. Was made for everyone in the world a utopian socialist project – aim to create a new world. Modernism not so equal – still a class split.  John Ruskin was a modern painter from 1819-1900. Based on the idea that the modern sells and making things modern (modernisation). The idea ceased with the collapse of the Pruitt (high rise building), which was demolished 20 years after building – too modern?
Paris was considered the city of modernity. Shift of domination of life from seasons/sunrise to industrialisation – life became dominated by cities and factories. Railways were invented, telephone invented – effects of connecting the world. World time standardised 1900s. life and lifestyles rapidly changed and accelerated. process of rationality and reason emerges – enlightenment – science and philosophy expanded heavily. Artists first to document the process and cities became like packed trains – so close you cant move but don’t feel you can talk to anyone. A new style emerged to crop paintings like photos as photography was just emerging and painting was following suit. Kaiser panorama – 1883 – modern is automatically improving? Life to be lived now through machines instead of going out and living. Modernism came out of modernity. Paintings as historical documentation ran the risk of being replaced by photography. Modernism in design – anti historicist – looking forward. Truth to materials, form follows function – things should work and be practical/efficient. Essentially minimalism (the beginning). Internationalism – understood everywhere. “Ornament is a crime” – adolf loos 1908. Bauhaus changed artistic education – modernist education. Internationalism – a language of design that could be understood by everyone. Bayers sans serif – serifs unnecessary decoration – not needed. Bayer said don’t need capitals aswell  - internationalist style.
Morrisons times new roman – 1930’s – national style – also nationalist was fraktur a nazi used font. Modernists fundamentally internationalist/socialist.
Modernism is not a neutral term. It suggests novelty and improvement.
Modernity – 1750 to 1960. Social and cultural experience. Modernism – a range of ideas and styles that came from modernity.
Importance of modernism –
A vocabulary of styles
And/design education
Idea of form follows function.

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