Tuesday 7 May 2013

OUGD401. Context of Practice. Studio Task 2. Beauty, Style, Taste.

follow on from aesthetics post.

3 aesthetic rules:

  • simple and relevant use of colour and colour combinations/schemes.

  • 1.

    the design offers a variety of colours but does not over use. the blue and turquoise are similar in hue and so work together. the pink and red do the same while the orange and white offer smooth and mild contrast. the pattern work is really interesting and lessens the amount of each colour so one isnt over used. the colour scheme is appropriate to the exhibition because textile art entails the use of multiple colours in pattern and form.


    these minimalist re-designs of soft drinks cans are fantastically original and innovative. by noticing the basic shape and form and colour of each logo the designer is able to communicate each brand through less obvious graphics. 


    i think the colour scheme of this design is definitely appropriate and simple. an exhibition about washington dc is expected to contain some red, white, and blue but this poster is purely that, and it works. the mixing of the colours to do different jobs (lines, shadows/3-d, copy, image) is very clever and is done evenly so not one colour is overly dominant. the use of multiple fonts and sections both work in harmony to split the design but keep it together as well.

    five others -






  • clean and considered execution of process/technique.

  • 1.


    the process used to produce these books has definitely been considered in depth. such crisp and clean cuts aligned perfectly with sub layers and necessary colours. the binding process seems quite complicated but extremely effective both in strength and aesthetic. 


    the proportions of this design are fantastically considered and the colour combinations, in relation to shape, are extremely well executed. the photo-realism exhibited indicates a long consideration for the paint materials that could be used, the location of the design, and its composition. the technique is obviously quite well mastered as no mistakes or messy lines are visible.



    i think this design is another great example of an in depth and extensive knowledge for the designers tools and method of application. consistent with the exactness of a digital print, this typographic design boasts a collected knowledge of form and a confidence of ability.

    five others -






  • minimalist and confident use of type.

  • 1.


    i think this is a perfect example of both minimalist and confident typography. the shifts in weight and use of black and white only present minimalist form and the diagonal orientation, balanced by the external swooshes and legs and bowls. the exactness of the lines and curves and the block fills suggest a great confidence in the designers abilities.



    this poster design follows a modernist form with the use of a block sans serif font separated by lines and with equal and large spacing and negative space . i think the flush left text alignment shows confidence in form and composition and the grey on white is definitely simplistic.


    this is a great example of minimalist type used in a stylistic and functional way. the standardised weight of the glyphs, along with the matching angles and smooth curves looks fantastic in orange on white as the contrast is striking but not overly so. i also like the pattern along the bottom.

    five others -


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