Monday 6 May 2013

OUGD401. Context of Practice. Lecture 9. High vs. Low Culture – Defining the Avant-Garde.

Avant garde – innovative pioneers – idea of doing art and design that is progressive, - innovative refers to the idea of there being a group of people being innovative – being original. A group and quality. Marcel Duchamp signature considerd innovative with signature – avant garde in form – radical/experimental/shocking.
Fauvism – described to the AG movement – fauve artists – beat like – untamed practice. If institutional design courses all try to challenge convention then is that not convention itself?
AG relys on the individual as thinking themselves as superior, higher interlect.
Driving the way for the rest to follow. Right wing AG about aesthetic at art for arts sake. Just AG in the way it ;looks. Left wing AG about meaning and political use of art.
AG – art being socially committed – pushing political objectives or art being above the rest/superior to commoners. Protective cyclical bubble – artist makes progressive art, critic latches on to praise and explain the art and justify it for people to pretend to understand it for artists to then make it more weird.
Significant form – the relations and combinations of line and colour which when organised in specific way results in the individual being moved aesthetically.
If you don’t understand or like the art then your just stupid because you don’t get it – a way of winning all the time. With this attack of very people art is there to be seen by the point of the art is defeated and a split between AG and people is formed. AG nessesitates an elitism. Being understood as an artist means one cannot be exmerimental or progressive.
Two sides of the culture – AG and kitsch (the norm, standard)
Art nowadays bought for the status and for the buying itself.

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