Monday 6 May 2013

OUGD401. Context of Practice. Lecture 3. Graphic design – a medium for the masses.

Horses – 15,000 – 10,000 bc. Cave paintings in france lots of religious painting and symbology. Pear soap ad – combines image and type – early design – no thought about layout or somposition. Henri de Toulouse – advertising and gd posters – did think about composition and layout of type. Turned into experimental poster shapes. 1917 – ww1 – Europe more advanced than Britain and America. then wassily Kandinsky did post modernist style. Then stingemore and beck designed uk underground map. Bauhaus logo – simplicity and minimalism. In ww2 nazis used more illustrative fonts in a cubist style. Renan – photomontage – thought about the layout of type/image. Interesting composition and then did type experimentation. Graphic design is a young discipline which has links to many other links to other medias and aesthetics. Is a mass media though.

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