Wednesday 21 January 2015

OUGD601. COP3. Secondary Research: Online

to gather more extensive research i looked on a number of other sites that linked to my second chapter and the question.

forbes magazine had an interesting article written on 'is social media sabotaging real communication' whcih had a really good generational perspective on the matter. while somewhat baseic, being that it was amagazine article, it was really useful and presented asome good ideas.

another magazine article, this time in 'social work today' called 'social media and interpersonal communication' was quite useful in citing some scholars and doctors understandings and research and theories on the topic and provided some good undertansing.

a user on 'teen ink' magazine website wrote an article called 'social netwroking and its effect on communication' which while somewhat faux-interlectual and a little activist/preachy it provided some good information on the topics and so i took notes.

on 'social media today' one writer wrote an interesting article outlining the many benefits of social media to the individual and society. while some of his comments were contestable he presented a good opposition to the stances i had gathered so far and so it was useful to have a different perspective.

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