Saturday 17 January 2015

OUGD601. COP3. Lecture 3: Resolving your Research Project and Academic Conventions.

we had the third and final cop3 lecture with richard outlining the specifics of the dissertation and hand in etc. he began with an interesting introduction presented in the general style one would expect to see at the start of a dissertation.

1. Introduction

In this lecture I wish to look at a not uncommon way 
of writing and structuring books, dissertations and 
theses. This approach, I will argue, involves the 
writer announcing at the outset what he or she will 
be doing in the pages that follow. The default format 
of academic research papers and textbooks, it serves 
the dual purpose of enabling the reader to skip to the 
bits that are of particular interest and - in keeping 
with the prerogatives of scholarship - preventing an 
authorial personality from intruding on the material 
being presented. But what happens when this 
basically plodding method seeps so deeply into a 
writer's makeup as to constitute a neutralisation of 
authorial voice, a limitation, a faux-objectivity?

i took notes on the lecture as it included some important information

the lecture was interesting and really well presented however it was also very daunting!!!

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