Wednesday 21 January 2015

OUGD601. COP3. Secondary Research: Online.

to aquire a breadth of research i also looked into a number of online videos concerning the topics of my second chapter. some were more engaging and useful than others but all served a puropse of understanding the subject a bit better.

the first 'the effects of cell phones on face to face communication', on youtube, appeared to be aq student produced video and so was not very concrete in its evidence and theory but it was good for some general facts and a slightly more in depth understanding of the topic.

i took a few notes but there wasnt much worth noting down.

another video i watched was '5 ways social media is changing your brain right now' which presented an interesting and factually based exploration fo the psychological effects of social media. i learned quite a bit about social media that i didnt know and about its addictiveness etc. while it was a well presented and engaging video it didnt really posess much relevence to my essay as it was more about the brain and mind than about communication itself.

i took down notes on facts that might be useful and also just for general knowledge.

as further online research i looked at a number of websites with discourse on topics of similar application to my essay. 

one site has a passage called 'social media and its effects on communication' which i thought would be useful becuase it was communication based. it provided some good information but was a bit general in parts and so i got what i could from it. 

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