Wednesday 21 January 2015

OUGD601. COP3. Primary Research: Questionnaire.

as part of my primary research, to inform my own understanding of the topics involved in my investigation i decided to set up a questionnaire.
i wanted to investigate into the different communicative aids digital technology offers to the communicative consumer. i also wanted to look at how people are influenced by these aids and new technologies in terms of written and spoken language. since the question maintains a geographic basis i included this along with an age reference for generation understanding.

i made a plan of the questions that i wanted to ask.

i then went onto to write my questionnaires in order to send them to people to answer. 

the full set of questions exists as such:

How old are you?

Where are you from (in England)?

Do you own a Mobile Phone? (please choose between normal or smart phone if 'yes')

When texting, do you tend to use abbreviations, text language, emoticons/emojis?

(If answered 'yes' on the previous question) How much do you use abbreviations, text language, emoticons/emojis?

Does the use of abbreviations etc. affect the quality of the message you are trying to communicate?

Is it likely that the recipient can still understand the message?

Is the level of abbreviations etc. you use dependant on who the recipient is? (i.e. mum vs. friend or boss vs. acquaintance)

Do you use Social Media sites? (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

Do you use abbreviations, text language, emoticons/emojis while on these sites?

(if answered 'yes' on the previous question) How much do you use abbreviations, text language, emoticons/emojis?

Do you see others using abbreviations, text language, emoticons/emojis?

Do you think that the rise in Communication Technology has affected the language used on Social Media sites?

Do you use slang, abbreviation, text language in everyday speech?

Do you see others around you using slang, abbreviation, text language in everyday speech?

Is it mainly younger people who use slang, text language, emoticons/emojis?

How much does this affect the quality of a spoken message and the ability to understand it?

Do you think the rise in Communication Technology has affected spoken language?

i also left a comment box in which people posted:

i linked my survey to epople in college, on facebook, and on other social media to try to get a varied response to the questions i asked.

i then gathered the results and wrote them down

the questionaire was really useful for my project however i think it could have been set up better and the litiations of survey monkey also meant i couldnt cross reference one participant answers with anothers or access a single participants answers to get an understanding of age/location in line with the other questions.

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