Wednesday 21 January 2015

OUGD601. COP3. End of Module Evaluation.

 Module Code 

 Module Title
Context of Practice 3



Joseph harrison

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
initially i think i have developed my primary and secondary academic research skills considerably. my understanding of observing the content i need to explore and know about, and then choosing literature, imagery, and other research content that informs me of such things has got much better. the library has been a very valuable resource and i have also imporved at selecting parts of texts etc that are appropriate to my study. the same is true for my approriation of primary research. 

from considerable and in depth chapter planning i was more easily able to map out the progression and flow of my essay. this in turn enabled me to to write withg better wording, evoking of the themes and topics i wanted to dicuss. my writing and articulation skills have been developed also along with my vocabulary.

my hand rendering askills have improved considerably as a result of my practical development. my control of my hand and ability to use various sized fineliners have definitely got better. also becuase of my practical outcome my typesetting skills and familiarity with ornate lettering and caligraphy have increased.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

being that my practical outcome was hand rendered, and maintinaed this constraint specifically, i have developed my craft skills a lot. my cropping, measuring, stitching, binding, folding, mounting, and finishing abilities have all imporved and these have informed my process in that i now understand the procudure by which hand rendered publications can be put together.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

my strengths lie in the hand rendering. i am a hands on person and work better on a craft basis and so have used these skills to inform my design decisions and produce my work. 

i think that my japanese stitch binding skills have imporved a lot and i capitalised on these through the use of a good technique and produceing said technique well to come to a well and sturdy bound book.

my other strength lies in my hand rendered typographic skills of which i have been developing a lot recently. my undertsnaind of lettering, placement and aesthetic quality have meant that i can produce good looking type by hand onto stock

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

the majority of cropping worked fine however i forgot to account for creep on the top fold where the thread would be stitched. i wrongly stitched prior to cropping and couldnt therefore crop the top sine of the book becuse of the bind. next time i will remember to crop the pages prior to binding.

while my planning was good i feel as though i could have planned my time better and from an earlier stage and could have then spent more time on quality of prduction and the reworking of the essay.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1. plan my time for when im doing what better. begin planning from the point of research to the writing of the essay to the production of the practical outcome so everything is its absolute best.

2. spend more time reading and rereading my chapters so that i underatand better what i have written and the point im trying to make so that i can then rewrite it more articulately and more effectively for the argument and fluency of passage.

3. spend more time producing a higher quantity of typographic pieces so that my practical outcome would be fuler and more extensive.

4. make a greater consideration for the finishing of my piublication including creepo and crop so that my book is better finished.

5. engage more in primary research and consider the planning of my case studies more in depth so that they flow better and are more easily understaood and so that the information i am obtaining is more relevant and useful to my written work

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor









Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group


The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

OUGD601. COP3. Practical Outcome

for the COP3 practical i decided to flip the context of my essay. being that my essay was about how communication technology has inlfuenced verbal and written language i realised thaat formal language such as print, hand written, etc has not been affected by communcation technology as digitally written or spoken language has. i thus decided to embark on an exploration of text language through traditional hand rendered methods.

the publication is aimed at older generations who have missed the technology boom in a way that  younger generations have not, because they have been born into and grown up with the tehcnology rise. since they have missed out and so do not understand the jargon to the same extent kids do, the publication aims at presenting a number of phrases in an aesthetically pleasing and traditional manor accompanied by a context and explanatory translation.

i began by hand drawing my chosen phrases typographically. i chose some often used phrases and some less known.

what you been up to

for the win

laugh out loud

rolling on the floor laughing

then i chose my stock. i decided to use gf smith card paper as it is robust and has a good feel to it.
i chose a combination of grey and yellow mounted together in a two tone overlay as the cover sheets.

i then used a reoccuring pattern of grey then red as the pages to house the typographic piece and then the tranlation and context piece respectively.

having chosen the stock i then measured out the fold accounting for creep and used a bonefold to fold each page to produce the spine ready for binding.

i then proceeded to mount the pages to the stock.

having prepared the pages i went on to design and produce the cover sheet. i chose to use a brown for contrast different to the existing colour scheme. i chose the title as a double entendre. i cut out the 'digitally' by hand and then designed the bottom half to marry up with the top. 


 from this i used a japanese saddle stitch binding method. i chose yellow thread to continue the colour scheme and present a contrast to the black.

i was pleased with the outcome and the fact that i had stuck to the 'hand - made' constraint. the book functioned well and worked as it hand intended. 

in critique, i would have liked to have included a few more typographic phrases and translations to make the book a bit more extensive. due to my planning however i was unable to. there was a minor problem cropping the top and so the top of the pages sometimes creep past others but it is not highly noticeable and doesnt affect readability or presentation.

i also produced design boards.

OUGD601. COP3. In-depth Conclusion Plan.

OUGD601. COP3. In-depth Chapter 3 Plan.

having collected all my questionnaire and case study result, and having analyzed and interpreted them i then proceeded to plan the third chapter and how it would work in line with the question and other tewo chapters.

OUGD601. COP3. Primary Research: Case Study 2.

to extend the case study i decided to do a part two looking into 'Using non-verbal communicative aids (emoticons etc)'. this study aimed to explore peoples ability to use and understanding of emoticons as visual representations of emotions and feelings.
i began by drafting the peramaters of the case study so that i knew how to proceed.

i then proceeded to plan the case study in more depth to then write up proper printed slips for each participant.

each participant then used an iphone to write their translated emoji emotions:





upon reception of the emojis the other participants then had to translate back into english the emotions conveyed.

i did a tally of the correct answers each person got based on synonyms of the original emotion wording

OUGD601. COP3. Primary Research: Case Study 1.

further to my questionaire i decided to set up a couple of case studies to gain a more in depth understanding of peoples familiarity with and use of digital communicative technology. the first study was based on the 'Understanding of Abbreviation (text language etc)'. i began by planning the basic peramaters and set up of the case study so that i knew what i wanted to find out and how to go about it.

i then went on to draft the actual components that made up the case study.

i then typed them up so that each individual would have a slip with each message and an answer space to translate the message into proper english.

i then conducted the experiment and gathered the responses.