Tuesday 19 November 2013

OUGD501. COP2. Progress Tutorial.

today i had a progress tutorial with richard involving my progression so far and a talk about what i was thinking about doing for my essay.

having spoken briefly about some of the topics ive been interested in from the lecture programme; identity, the male gaze/feminism, advertising, stereotypes and so on, we went on to consider what i might choose as the topic for my essay.

because i have a considerable interest in feminism and the male gaze, partially arisen from past studies, i thought that this would be an appropriate topic to pursue.

we talked about the representations of gender in modern culture and through advertising. we also discussed how stereotypes and media driven roles are more apparent yet less recognised as negative portrayals/persuasions.

so i decided that i wanted to look at male gaze theory and the representations of women applied to examples of past and contemporary advertising.

in terms of my practical responses for the module we talked about considering an editorial path and how a publication could create awareness about how women are portrayed and how this affects female equality in the modern day. we talked about possibly looking at redesigning ads to achieve this or to mock the concept that it promotes.

he told a website that archives old ads that are examples of this topic and other similar topics:

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