Thursday 28 November 2013

OUGD501. COP2. Lecture - Censorship and 'Truth'

had a lecture with james.

indexucal qualities in phoyography in rendering truth.
photo manupulation
censorship in advertising
censorship in art/design.

- amnself adams -
makes stereotypically beautiful images.

- soviet union-
pravda and photo censhorship .

- 21st century -
new tecvhnology - digital allows for in depth photo manipulation

ad buster style ads about 9/11 - could be bad taste? or exposing advertising companies for their lack of humanity?

photo editing of humans - models/celebrities changed appearance on magazines etc.
photos can be combined to change the message.

- robert capa -
death of a loyalist soldier. (not actually called robert capa) is it real or set up? does it matter? is the communicative element still the same?

at the time of ww2 most people believed everything they saw in the media/school.

- jean baudrillad -
mostmodern writer. simulacrum/sumilation.
1.reflection of basis of reality.
2. masks and perverts a basic reality

- peter turnley -
photogrphy in 1st gulf war was completely controlled and restrictions based on what could be presented based of what us govt wanted people to see. turnley refused to comply and took his own photos.
mile of death - photo of loads of cars blown up etc.
bauldrialld argued gulf war was just an immitation war not like a realt war - based on the media coverage it received.

black n white in doccumentary -
does it add an aestheitc or take away from the dietail of the image?
ken jarecke - iraqi soldier - on front of news papers in 90's - colour image - very impacting.

the gulf war did not take place book -
branded faces delivered over the prostitiution of the image. no image of the field of battle.

- an-my le - small wars -
docc photographer in giuf war. took beuatiful images of horrific scenes - does it mask horrors of war? does aesthetic quality take from seriousness of war?

- censorship -
morals and ethics
in advertising - everybody wants to recostruct world around them and introduce some sort of purposeful and distorting alleviation.

- united colours of benetton -
shocking and controversional advertising for nothing.

question of nufdity -
when is it appropriate and not? ads have naked people n get banned but national gallery has hundreds of naked women.

art as serious artistic value - who defines the value?
the miller test - supposed to dteermine a pice of arts value.

obscenity law -
protect art while prohibiting trash

sally mann.

how much should you believe the truth?
should we be protected from it?
is manipulation fair in capitalist society?
should art sit outside censorship laws?

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