Thursday 21 November 2013

OUGD501. COP2. Lecture - Globalisation, Sustainability & the Media.

today we had the lecture with richard on globalisation and sustainability.

the medias role perpetuating consumerism and capitol trade.

- globalisation -

/socailist - process by which the world unified into a single society
the unification could be figured as a positive, not communism though.

/capitalist - elimination of state enforced trade restrictions and embargos
to work the system needs to keep growing so globalisation is well interlinked.

both systems see globalisation as a positive but for different reasons.
word not just used in an economic sense but also about consciousness - to do with the dominance of of a culture (e.g. america) like westernisation. technology makes us all interlinked - a sort of globalisation.

- cultural globalisation -

part of westernisation into 3rd world countirs has brought a spread of one dominant culture including its attributes and values. called macdonladsisation - idea that american big business taking over the world and spreading owns ideas of life and global and political organisation. also refers to idea of fast as opposed to slow food - just eat, dont think, dont have nice meals, just eat quick and efficient - idea of work under the capitalist system like a 'mcjob' unrewarding, mundane but necessary jobs - only form of profit - no job satisfaction.

- marshal mcluhan -
in 60's people got excited about idea of globalisation. mcluhan a philosopher argued that new technologies will have a massive impact on the way we communicate and connect with each other. predicted way before the internet. rapidity of communication echoes the senses.
global village thesis - an implosion of the world and distances between cultures and countries and now just a little village and everyone is aware and alert to the global construct.
the internet has proved this expenentially except for the togetherness and connection between humanities and clutures because people dont sympathise, empathise, feel together. instead we are individualised through our identity off and online so much that epople feel separated from each other.
whats actually happening is a forced and conflicting spread of western imperialism met by reststance from countries and cultures being taken over.
there is no global embrace.

- 3 problems of globalisation -
1 - sovereignty - challenges to the idea od the nation state
2 - accountability - transnational forces and organisations: who controls them?
3 - identity - who are we? nation, group, community.

MNC's have escaped governemt sanctions and controls by operating internationally.

- cultural imperialism -

if global village run with a certain set of values would become an assimlialted community.

rigging the free market -
-trade pacts
-media dominance

timewarner owns everything!!! then BskyB NewsCorporation.

the world is divided into geographical markets -
-north america
-western europe, japan, australia
-BRIC countries
-the rest of the world

markets with highest profit value are targeted the most by these organisations.

US media a new form of imperialsism a new war on individual thought -
not about violence but about indoctrination to a western train of thought - consumerism. the 2nd and 3rd world has already been hit by these ideologies.
EG big brother

look at noam chomsky

- propaganda model - 5 basic filters -

. ownership
- e.g. rupert murdoch who has a particular political agenda - the profit motive. his umberella companies perpetuate his own image. papers helped sway the outcome of the elections. people like this have incredible power and influence politically and econommically.

. funding

. sourcing
- whats allowed to be reported by the editors, owners, political affiliates, funders for media organisations because they are businesses and follow the profit motive. all news is biassed.

. flak
- lobbying groups. us based global climate coalition - lobbyist group for exxon, texaco and ford and gthey get ads on tv/in magazines, stop and nay sayers, creative support and like for these companies.

. anti left ideology

an inconvenient truth - so over the top.
flat earthers - still deny co2 rise, global warming etc and say its propaganda etc.

- Sustainability -
'sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs' - if system is based on capitalism and the profit motive powers will never be concerned with the future or the next generation becuase it would limit business so sustainablity is fundamentaly unattainable.
all attemps to promote sustainability are essentially capitalist - buy this to sollve the problem, use this product which creates more subsidiary pollution than what its replacing.
greenwashing - making thins have an eco aestheic makes them more reliable and trustworthy from the eco aware point of view.

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