Monday 12 May 2014

OUGD501. COP2. Study Task 5 - Design Ethics (Triangulation)

Using the texts Garland, K. 'The First Things First Manifesto (1964); Poyner, Lasn et al (2000) ' The First Things First Manifesto 2000'; Poyner, R. (2000) 'First Things First Revisited' and Beirut, M. (2007) 'Ten Footnotes to a Manifesto' write a triangulated critical analysis of two media images (works of graphic design / advert / TV commercial / publicity poster / magazine cover / news story). This analysis should discuss the ethical role of the designer, and ideally should compare one example of 'ethical' design with another 'unethical' one. 
Make sure that you compare the opinions of the four different writers and not simply quote but draw out subtle similartities and differences in their positions. Refer to the writing guide on eStudio for help constructing a triangulated written argument.

chosen examples - 

ethical - 

unethical - 

gap was recently voted one of the worlds most ethical clothing companies while primark has long been slated for its highly unethical practices including child labour and unfair worker pay. while for a lot of creatives, particularly advertisers, are lead by the profit motive, it is becoming a more common consideration to practice ethical design. this involves consideration for the planets weel being and ecology, for the audience recieving the advert or design, for those involved with the production, and for those being represetnted through the design. there is a clear depiction of ethical consideration in the gap advert. there is inlcusion of different genders, races and religions providing a consideration for those involved and for the audience through an attempt to target the widest range of people. the primark advert is ironic in depicting happy children because it uses child labour in sweat shops to produce its products. the large £4 sign shows that they only care about reducing costs by any means so they can seel their produce at the lowest price in order to attract more custom. this is directly opposing to the ideas of ethical design. the fact that primark spews out generic clothing at such cheap prices is not ethically considering the target market and results in every kid wearning the same outfit. the strap line for gap 'make love' communicates the idea that gap considers its produce in line with the target markets demands and makes them 'with love'. it also presents the idea that gap loves its customers and mixed race relationships. the primark advert is only concerned with presenting the clothes to be the most desirable for the lowest cost to the consumer and thus is not an example of ethically considered design.

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