Thursday 1 May 2014

OUGD501 - Context of Practice 2. Studio Brief 1 - CRITICAL ANALYSIS - Contexts and Themes. Essay Research/Development.

we were introduced to the essay part of context of practice 2. we were asked to choose a theme from the topics wed learned about in the sessions/lectures to write about.

  • Write a 3000 word essay in response to one of the set essay themes. The essay should demonstrate that you have understood the nature of academic writing and importance of critical and analytical approaches to your chosen subject matter. Your essay should aim to include:
  • The selection of subject matter appropriate to your own interests that will allow you to critically analyse relevant source material.
  • A logical structure that has an introduction, a developed argument that is supported by appropriate references to at least four different academic sources and a conclusion.
  • A bibliography of at least 10 sources presented using the Harvard referencing system & the use of Harvard conventions within the main text of the essay when paraphrasing or quoting from other sources.

  • having considered some potential topics to write about i decided to base my essay on the male gaze and, in particular, female gender stereotypes present in advertising. i came up with the essay title:

    To what extent does consumer media and advertising promote and enforce female gender stereotypes?

    i then went on to look at some of the gender stereotypes depicted in modern advertising, and some media challening it.

    I can't think of a single commercial I've seen for house cleaning products with a guy, unless he's there to hand dishes and laundry to his wife or to admire the finished product.  I suppose you could count Mr. Clean as a guy.  But he doesn't actually clean.  He's Mr. Clean. So why do ad makers show only women mopping the floor or doing the laundry or vacuuming the rugs?

    There was a time when women did all the housework.  That may still be the case in many homes, and it seems that on average, 
    women still do more than men.  But even though I know some lazy men, I don't know any that do zero cleaning at their homes.  I would bet that almost all men do at least some housework, especially those with kids, and many do half or more.

    When ads target a demographic, they often use an actor from that demographic.  You'd think that ad agencies would want to appeal to males, close to half of the population, who buy and use the cleaning products they're selling.  You'd think that some of their commercials would show a guy folding laundry, so when a guy like me goes out to buy detergent, he'd be brainwashed into thinking that he needs to buy that detergent.

    The problem with this ad, like most cleaning supply ads, is the huge emphasis on women as solely being mothers. This ad portrays a stereotypical role of women that is very limiting. It plays on the idea that women are full time housewives who don’t make any major decisions and are dependent on men. Part of what makes this ad so offensive is that it is extremely blatant. The message seems to be Mr. Clean telling the women to ‘get back in the kitchen’. Playing out even further into the idea of a patriarchal household. It makes women feel like their self-worth is based on how good of a cleaner/housewife they can be.

    ann oakley -

    having found a number of potential adverts to deconstruct and having read what is my bibliography i went on to make some notes on the four chosen adverts

    i then went on to write an essay plan so that i could more coherently organise my points and arguments in a relevant and working order

    i then went on to qwrite the essay.
    it can be found on my design context blog under the essay tag and title.

    i think my essay went well because i have a vested interest and understanding of the topics involved. i think it was enjoyable to write and i learned about and considered new perspectives and arguments. i feel as though my revision and redevelopment of my essay could have been more in depth and had more effort made3 on it but i am happy with the essay overall.

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