Monday 12 May 2014

OUGD501. COP2. Study Task 4 - The Gaze.

Using the text Coward, R. 'The Look', write one critical analysis of a media image (advert / TV commercial / publicity poster / magazine cover / news story) which, in your opinion, constructs a particular type of gender sterotype, or reflects the dominant patriarchal concepts of gender, critiqued in the lecture 'The Gaze & the Media' (31/10/13). Use at least five quotes, referenced according to the Harvard system, in support of your argument.

chosen advert - 

while it is clear that women are constantly objectified, sexualy, it is not so commonly recognised the gender stereotypes presented and reenforced daily by advertising and the media. the female, as the 'housewife', the 'mum', the 'cooker-cleaner' is a role that has, for generations, been considered to be the norm. while it is still a role that many women play, in this modern age many women are professionals, do not have kids, do not play the housewife role or do all of the above together. similarly, in todays society, men play the role of stay at home dad, house husband, cleaner, just as much as women do. yet women are the sole target audience of the vast majority cleaning products, domestic products, and cooking products. in the vanish advert two women are depicted struggling with 'tough stains' and are seen not only to need the help of a third woman (because obviously men arent concerned with this sort of thing) but, moreso, the 'awesome' power of vanish oxi action. women, who are considered by advertising, to be the ones who do all of these chores and tasks and who have done for hundreds of years, are for some reason still incapable of completing them without the product. the way the women are depicted to be amazed and in awe by this 'revolutionary' product is highly degrading and communicates the gaze idea that women are simply incapable of everything, even tasks they are stereotypically considered to do. 

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