Thursday 22 May 2014

OUGD505. Design Practice 2. Studio Brief 2 - Research.

Responding to the feedback you received, you should develop and produce a range of responses relating to a minimum of two of the following areas of design:
Publishing & Editorial
Information & Way-finding
Branding & Identity
Product & Packaging
Retail & Promotion

i decided to look into information and wayfinding and product and packaging because i thought these best related to bouldering. i decided to focus on information and wayfinding.

Information & Way-finding
Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of informationdata or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.[1][2] They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends.[3][4] The process of creating infographics can be referred to asdata visualizationinformation design, or information architecture.[2]

i started looking at various infographics to get an understanding of layout and composition most effective to communication of info. i also took note of what illustrative and visual prompts were included.

i then went on to look at some more specific infographics about sport and physical activity

then i went on to look at climbing and bouldering infographics to see what existed

i then went on to look at some climbing magazines to get an understanding of the sorts of layouts used and info included within the sport and publications.

i then did some research into different techniques and moves.

1. Downclimbing routes
Upon reaching the top of an indoor climb, try to downclimb as much of the route as possible rather than simply lowering off as usual. There are benefits to this practice beyond the obvious one of doubling the pump. First, in knowing that you plan to downclimb a route, you become a more observant and focused climber on the way up. What’s more, since poor footwork is a leading handicap for many climbers, there’s a lot to be gained from this practice that demands intense concentration on footwork.
Initially, you’ll find downclimbing to be difficult, awkward, and very pumpy. As your hold recognition improves and as you learn to relax and fluidly reverse the route, you’ll find downclimbing a route often feels easier than ascending it in the first place. This is because your eccentric (lowering) strength is greater than your concentric (pulling) strength, and due to the fact that by leading with the feet (while downclimbing), you learn to maximally weight them and conserve energy. All these factors make downclimbing a killer drill for every serious climber!
2. Random Skill Training
Here’s a great drill to broaden your command of a wide range of skills and to improve your on-sight climbing ability. Set out to climb a series of widely varying route types in rapid succession. A commercial gym with many different angles, a few cracks, and a roof or two is ideal. Team with a partner and toprope ten to fifteen routes of different character over the course of an hour. The first route might be a vertical face, the next a slab, the third a fingercrack, the fourth an overhanging pumpfest, the fifth a handcrack, the sixth a roof route, etc. This rapid recall of a wide range of techniques is skill training at its best.
3. Speed Training
When the rock gets steep and the moves hard, there’s no more important strategy than to increase the pace of your ascent. Climbing quickly is primarily a function of skill, not strength or power (we’re not talking about lunging wildly up a route); in fact, the less strength and endurance you possess, the more important this skill becomes. Perform this drill a few times a week for several months, and you’ll find yourself naturally moving faster when climbing on-sight or redpoint at the crags.
To begin with, it’s important to note there’s no benefit to climbing faster if your technique degrades and you botch sequences. Therefore, it’s best to engage in speed training on a moderate route or some climb that you’ve got wired. The goal is to send the route several times with each ascent being at a slightly faster pace than the previous. As an estimate, strive to climb about 10 percent faster on each successive ascent, but back off the accelerator at the first sign your technique is suffering. Rest for a few minutes between each lap so that you can make a solid, focused effort on each ascent.
4. Fatigued Skill Training
Research has shown that beyond the initial successful trials of a skill, practice should be performed with variable conditions and levels of fatigue. Applied to climbing, this mean that you can improve your climbing skill by sending known routes and climbing techniques while you are in a moderate state of fatigue.
Here’s the best approach. Use the first thirty minutes of your session (while fresh) to train new skills, and then move on to chalking up some mileage on a variety of routes. After an hour or so (or when moderately fatigued), perform several reps of recently acquired techniques (such as backstepping, deadpointing, or crack climbing) or attempt to send a couple of routes that you have recently worked to the point of being wired.  As fatigue increases, finish up with a few more laps on sequences or boulder problems that you have more completely mastered.
In the context of a two-hour gym session, this rule emphasizes the benefit of squeezing in a greater volume of climbing with only brief rests, over doing just a few “performance” sends with extensive rest. The long rests and performance climbing may make you look better, but the greater volume of practice will make you climb better!

Product & Packaging

i decided to look at poster packaging as this was what i decided to focus on outcome wise

Monday 12 May 2014

OUGD501. COP2. Study Task 4 - The Gaze.

Using the text Coward, R. 'The Look', write one critical analysis of a media image (advert / TV commercial / publicity poster / magazine cover / news story) which, in your opinion, constructs a particular type of gender sterotype, or reflects the dominant patriarchal concepts of gender, critiqued in the lecture 'The Gaze & the Media' (31/10/13). Use at least five quotes, referenced according to the Harvard system, in support of your argument.

chosen advert - 

while it is clear that women are constantly objectified, sexualy, it is not so commonly recognised the gender stereotypes presented and reenforced daily by advertising and the media. the female, as the 'housewife', the 'mum', the 'cooker-cleaner' is a role that has, for generations, been considered to be the norm. while it is still a role that many women play, in this modern age many women are professionals, do not have kids, do not play the housewife role or do all of the above together. similarly, in todays society, men play the role of stay at home dad, house husband, cleaner, just as much as women do. yet women are the sole target audience of the vast majority cleaning products, domestic products, and cooking products. in the vanish advert two women are depicted struggling with 'tough stains' and are seen not only to need the help of a third woman (because obviously men arent concerned with this sort of thing) but, moreso, the 'awesome' power of vanish oxi action. women, who are considered by advertising, to be the ones who do all of these chores and tasks and who have done for hundreds of years, are for some reason still incapable of completing them without the product. the way the women are depicted to be amazed and in awe by this 'revolutionary' product is highly degrading and communicates the gaze idea that women are simply incapable of everything, even tasks they are stereotypically considered to do. 

OUGD501. COP2. Study Task 5 - Design Ethics (Triangulation)

Using the texts Garland, K. 'The First Things First Manifesto (1964); Poyner, Lasn et al (2000) ' The First Things First Manifesto 2000'; Poyner, R. (2000) 'First Things First Revisited' and Beirut, M. (2007) 'Ten Footnotes to a Manifesto' write a triangulated critical analysis of two media images (works of graphic design / advert / TV commercial / publicity poster / magazine cover / news story). This analysis should discuss the ethical role of the designer, and ideally should compare one example of 'ethical' design with another 'unethical' one. 
Make sure that you compare the opinions of the four different writers and not simply quote but draw out subtle similartities and differences in their positions. Refer to the writing guide on eStudio for help constructing a triangulated written argument.

chosen examples - 

ethical - 

unethical - 

gap was recently voted one of the worlds most ethical clothing companies while primark has long been slated for its highly unethical practices including child labour and unfair worker pay. while for a lot of creatives, particularly advertisers, are lead by the profit motive, it is becoming a more common consideration to practice ethical design. this involves consideration for the planets weel being and ecology, for the audience recieving the advert or design, for those involved with the production, and for those being represetnted through the design. there is a clear depiction of ethical consideration in the gap advert. there is inlcusion of different genders, races and religions providing a consideration for those involved and for the audience through an attempt to target the widest range of people. the primark advert is ironic in depicting happy children because it uses child labour in sweat shops to produce its products. the large £4 sign shows that they only care about reducing costs by any means so they can seel their produce at the lowest price in order to attract more custom. this is directly opposing to the ideas of ethical design. the fact that primark spews out generic clothing at such cheap prices is not ethically considering the target market and results in every kid wearning the same outfit. the strap line for gap 'make love' communicates the idea that gap considers its produce in line with the target markets demands and makes them 'with love'. it also presents the idea that gap loves its customers and mixed race relationships. the primark advert is only concerned with presenting the clothes to be the most desirable for the lowest cost to the consumer and thus is not an example of ethically considered design.

OUGD501. COP2. Identity Seminar/Study Task 3

today we had a seminar with richard that lead on from the lecrture about Identity and 'Otherness' - who we are and how others percieve us.

we had a discussion about what identity means and how we recognise and define it.
we began by considering the main aspects of identity - you/me.

- what makes you you?
interests, opinions, knowledge, looks, physical build, understanding, interlect, geography, accent, family, friends, education, personality, tastes, political views, aesthetic attraction, understanding, wealth, ,marital status, era born into, diet, etc

there is a dialectical relationship between physical and social factors in determining identity.

- how can you express your identity?
clothes, food, posessions, style, music, house, home furnishings, opinions, interests, electronic items, social media, hobbies, attitude, fashion, tattoos, piercings, accent, how you act, associations.

subjectivity - our idea of who we are is complex and multi determined

looked at the circuit of culture diagram - culture is the framework within which our identities are formed, expressed and regulated.

from this we went on to look at Lacan's theory about the 'mirror stage' and when one first might recognise ones own identity/existance.

hommlette - when your a baby you dont understand the separation of the self from others - your just a scrambled up bunch of parts.
mirror stage - (metaphor) a kid sees itself in the mirror and recognises its self as an existing being separate to everyone else.
then - there is a recognititon of ones own sounds (voice,speech etc) and the ability to communicate and have others reply to you.

- the sense of the self (subjectivity) is built on an illusion of wholeness and receiving views from others.
- results in ones own subjectivity being fragile.

- constructing the 'other' -
in the same way that we create our own identites, in opposition to what we are not, so does society.
the problem is that it relies on the assumption of opposition and radical otherness.
by recognising you own self and your own traits you associate your self with a stlye or type or train of thought etc - this implies that you are not the opposite (or any other form) of that and so you are excluding and dismissing anyone who is the opposite or different. for example someone who wears trackies and trainers is othering someone in a suit because that is what they are not. whether or not it is intentional or out of dislike is irrelevant becuase its about the exclusion of what you are not.

chosen media image -

this advert depicts oscar pistorius in stop motion starting a race. a general advert for nike, yet it still presents the concept of othering significantly. the sweat and sheen show muscle definition, the 3 stills of the start up show the stamina and physical agility of the runner, the skin tight lycra suit shows his stamina and fitness, and the black brackground shows him and the focal point - all important. the advert is designed to imply the quality of nike products to runners, communicating the idea that nike products will make you this good and this fit and this desirable. the advert assumes the physical make up, ability and quality of its target audience; the runner. in this way it others any individual who is not a runner or who does not practice physical activities. furthermore, due to the depitcion of the type of runner targeted, the advert others any runner who is not of peak physical fitness and ability. in this way the advert is contradictory in its message because it shows how nike would imagine the target audience but doesnt show the actual target audience which is more likely to be those not in peak physical condition and who want to better themselves. hense the use of an individual the audience might strive to appear like. in this way it others its own target audience as well as those unrelated to the products and intents of the advert. the strap line is also giulty of othering as it relates the speed of the model to that of a bullet, which in reality is impossible, but nonetheless presents the idea that the audience is the fastest out there. in reality this is untrue and therefore is an example of othering those slower than the model in the advert.

OUGD501 - Context of Practice 2. Studio Brief 1 - CRITICAL ANALYSIS - Contexts and Themes. Essay.

To what extent does consumer media and advertising promote and enforce female gender stereotypes?

Popular culture, in particular western culture, promotes the consumption of goods and services to an ever-increasing degree. Due to free market economics and trade competition, suppliers are forced to utilise marketing and advertising strategies in order to sell more stock which, in turn, will increase the profit margin and market share of the supplier. Being that global markets are so competitive, and with the rise in emphasis put on brand identity, companies are turning to ever more focussed advertising campaigns. Because advertising looks at a consumer base or target market as a whole, as opposed to a group of individuals, there is a lot that is assumed and/or misconcluded. It is much easier to target a stereotype than to appeal to each individual preference or desire. This compound targeting does, however, have a serious impact on the general public’s perceptions of social and gender groups and can be seen to ‘relax’ negative attitudes towards stereotyping.
While certain gender roles are commonly accepted in society, there has, in the past 100 years, been a considerable shift towards gender equality. The sexual objectification of women, while still very apparent, is more commonly noticed and recognised as a negative and harmful portrayal. Due to aggressive advertising campaigns, however, many stereotypes are overlooked or simply not recognised as being negative. This essay seeks to identify and expose the less obvious female gender stereotypes. It aims to critically analyse stereotypes in line with the extent to which they are promoted and targeted in advertising and consumer media.

In a progressive 21st century society one would expect to see women and men working and living cooperatively and equally, both sharing roles and responsibilities, where warranted and appropriate. A man is just as capable at cooking, cleaning and looking after children, as a woman is being the sole earner or handyman. It is commonplace today that men and women raise children alone or never marry and so it is clear that each sex can operate the same basic lifestyle without having to rely on the role of the other. Yet the marketing strategies of various major cosmetic and domestic companies maintain the portrayal of those exact stereotypes. They assume that, because a large percentage of women are ‘housewives’, all must be. And so advertising campaigns evolve to become aggressive in the promotion of the stereotype in order to sell the product.
“In the 50s women were constantly brainwashed by ads, movies and vulagrized psychoanalysis to stay at home and be happy housewives.” (Watkins, Rueda & Rodriguez 1992, p.97)
Although older methods of persuasion are more blatant by today’s standard, the same bombardment of ‘appropriate’ gender roles is still experienced and taken heed of. 

(See Fig.1 for reference to advert)

Fig.1 refers to an advert for ‘Cillit Band – Universal Degreaser’, a domestic cleaning product. The product is introduced by Barry Scott; a loud and, almost, aggressive sounding man who shouts a script at the camera. The advert then shows testimonials from ‘real’ customers (paid actors) who proceed to explain how amazing and helpful the product is, while demonstrating its use in the home. Apart from the brand man, there is no mention/depiction of any male involvement with the product, and only women are seen to be using it. Even with smiles and positive attitudes, the jobs the female actors are enacting look arduous and degrading.
“And women raising kids while depending economically on men are made to feel they are not proper human beings.” (Watkins, Rueda & Rodriguez 1992, p.148)
Watkins indicates the true oppression behind domestic work, outlining the difficulty in maintaining a household for a family. The advert ignores this and, instead, portrays tasks like washing the dishes, or cleaning surfaces, as fun and enjoyable. While most viewers, subconsciously, recognise how tiring these tasks can be, the strength of visual persuasion seen in the advert can result a false sense of inspiration in the audience.

Because people are more globally connected and aware, scepticism is a common response to a lot of data presented. Modern advertising attempts to avoid this by using survey/sample data collected, usually, from selected focus groups. These groups tend to fit a product’s target market and so often provide the answers a company is looking for. Furthermore, the number of individuals included to make up statistics is, generally, a small percentage of the given figure, meaning that a lot of ‘facts’ presented in adverts are largely assumed or averaged. This is apparent in the Cillit Bang advert as the presenter states that ‘over a million women around the UK are at it’. Although the small print indicates that the survey used to gather the data only asked 10,000 households.
“…the broad division between…paid work and unpaid family labour is usually based on gender, and even where women participate in the labour market women and girls are still responsible for the bulk of unpaid housework.” (Andermahr, Lovell & Wolkowitz 2000, p.68)
This division of labour is unbalanced and, while more males are taking the roles of the housekeeper, many women are still the sole carers for a home. This does not, however, justify the targeting of women, solely, for domestic products.

A further example, present in the advert, of gender stereotyping for product sales is the depiction of the female actors as ‘show horses for the product. While a man presents the advert (an indication of male dominance in commerce), women are involved to ‘model’ the product and demonstrate is use.
“Interestingly, a classy young lady is likely to be in the picture adding her approval of the product and herself to its ambience, whether the product be floor mops, insecticides…” (Goffman 1979, p.26)
As Goffman indicates; the use of women to model products is a common tool within advertising, and can be seen as both degrading and objectifying. In this sense it is clear that the involvement of women, in this way, communicates the idea that they are there to look pretty and to promote goods. This is a clear example of how female gender stereotypes are being enforced through the media.

Opposing this concept, but still promoting gender roles, the 2012 ‘Cif’ advert uses other tactics to attempt to mask the enforcement of gender roles through, supposedly, glorifying the domestic experience.

(See Fig.2 for reference to advert)

The advert, set in a fairy-tale kingdom, tells the brief story of a woman, disguised as a knight, saving the palace from dirty surfaces. Post her successful cleaning demonstration she reveals her true identity, only to be crowned queen of the land (or rather queen of cleaning). The advert first presents stereotyped gender roles through the depiction of various males failing to clean the cauldron, because, apparently, men are incapable of cleaning. They are, however, still very capable of dictating the task to everyone else, as seen with the moustached squire ordering everyone else around. ‘A Glossary of Feminist Theory’ explains that
“…through ‘FAMILIAL EXPLOITATION’ the labour of women-as-wives was exploited and appropriated by male household members.” (Andermahr, Lovell & Wolkowitz 2000, p.69)
The advert attempts to disguise the male dominance through the female character being dressed as a knight. While this could be seen to break down perceived gender roles, one could also interpret the ad as promoting the patriarchy more so. The idea that the woman has to dress as a knight to first be considered for the cleaning job is, itself, an indication of gender inequality. Additionally, the fact that the knight, who then reveals herself as a woman, is the only individual who can succeed in cleaning enforces the false perception of only the female sex being good at cleaning.

Once complete, the knight takes of her helmet to reveal her true sex, to which the audience is then surprised about. She proceeds to clean the rest of the castle with ease, due to the help of ‘Cif’, and is ‘rewarded’ by being crowned queen. This advertising technique can be seen as misleading to the audience because, although it appears as though the female character as gained reward for her triumph, in reality she has been crowned ‘queen of cleaning’. This juxtaposition of royalty and servant can confuse the audience and invite them to believe that the woman has been truly rewarded whereas, in reality, she is still the cleaner. Housework is work directly opposed to the possibility of human self-actualization.” (Oakley 1974, p.222)
While it could be argued that the crowning of the character is meant as praise for women who clean, why then disguise her as a man? Conversely, why could the cleaning character not have actually been a man? The advert masks the multiple gender stereotypes it promotes through its uplifting animation and light-hearted tone of voice. Ann Oakley makes the point that such work, whether done by a man or woman, tends to be tiring and, to an extent, prevents self-progression.

The advert then proceed to address the target market (while depicting a woman in the kitchen), stating that ‘Cif’ will enable you to ‘clean all the things you never though you could’. As though all women think about is what they can and can’t clean, spending days pondering on how to remove tough stains around the house. ‘Cif’ enforces the idea that only women are capable of cleaning, and that men are hopeless, but then goes on to indicate that, without the product, even women are incapable of cleaning.

This tactic of falsified praise followed by an adverts indication that one cannot actually complete the task without the relevant product is another common ploy used in advertising. Take the ‘Aunt Bessie’s Yorkshire Puddings’ advert, for example.

(See Fig.3 for reference to advert)

The advert shows two old ladies spying on a new neighbour who, before their eyes, is managing the mammoth task of working and cooking tea for her kids. While observing through binoculars, they notice she has also included Yorkshire puddings in the meal and become even more bewildered as to how she could possibly have managed to prepare such a meal while having picked her kids up from school (clearly she didn’t as the advert is promoting Yorkshire puddings). One of the two women then proceed to faint because she simply can’t believe how what she’s witnessing is achievable, even though millions of single and married mums and dads manage to juggle work and family without ‘Aunt Bessie’ every day.
“Gender Segregation refers to the concentration of men and women in different occupations, workplaces and sectors and is crucial in understanding the persistence of gender inequality in employment.” (Andermahr, Lovell & Wolkowitz 2000, p.105)
The advert enforces such segregation on multiple levels and does so with full disregard for the stereotypes it promotes, and the offence it may cause. There is no mention, whatsoever, of a male presence (minus the children) in the advert. This may be due to the mother being single, or the father being at work, yet the advert still assumes that it would only ever be a woman’s job to pick up the kids and make their tea. It is usually the case that advertisers target only women when promoting domestic products, and so tend to only depict women in the adverts. Goffman considers the few occasions that men are included in such adverts and how they are involved, stating that
“One answer…is to picture the male engaged in no contributing role at all, in this way avoiding either subordination or contamination with a ‘female’ task”. (Goffman 1979, p.36)
While this is usually the case in adverts that involve male characters, the ‘Aunt Bessie’s’ ad has simply eluded any mention at all. There is, however, a definite need to praise single mothers who manage to raise kids and work at the same time, but there is also that need with single fathers. The advert doesn’t really praise mums; rather it presents quite a patronising view that women can really manage without the product.

The advert is concluded with the strap line: ‘get a helping hand; from Aunt Bessie’s’ as though women can’t really cope with cooking tea without the extensive help of frozen Yorkshire puddings. This is a common trait in this sort of advert because companies want to enforce the necessity of their product to the consumer’s life. Usually, the strap line is voiced in a light hearted and inviting tone of voice to lull the audience into a false sense of security, diverting their realisation that the product only really furthers the oppression women, and limits the acceptability of men in a domestic role.

While many adverts present an intended scene stereotypically, some make an attempt to move away from the usual storyline. This is usually done to disguise the involvement of stereotypes in the advert. ‘Ecover’ attempt to make a shift from the common style with a fresh, lively, and hippy looking advert that truly depicts the joy one can receive from washing the dishes. They go so far as to even include a male figure in the advert, albeit for half a second.

(See Fig.4 for reference to advert)

The advert, backed by James Brown’s ‘I Feel Good’, shows a number of scenes, in and around domestic settings, of young and attractive women frolicking/dancing with their kids and cleaning equipment while doing the dishes. The apparent message is that, with ‘Ecover’, all those arduous domestic chores become uplifting and positive events enjoyed by the whole family. This sexual objectification seems misplaced due to the fact that the advert appears to target women, yet it uses attractive models to promote the product. Possibly an attempt to extend the feminist ‘vibe’ of the advert, such involvement only really adds to the falseness of the ad.
"everywhere, it seems, feminist ideas have become a kind of common sense, yet feminism has never been more bitterly repudiated.” (Gill 2006, p.1)
Gill sheds true light on this concept of falsified feminism used to promote a product. This advertising tactic leads women to believe that the company and product are on their side, and for the progression to gender equality whereas, in reality, the same basic shots of women doing all the housework are seen throughout.

Having shown a number of scenes of young women splashing each other in few clothes and dancing around, the advert voices the line ‘however you clean…’ addressing the target market of women. This blatant assumption that all women clean, along with ignoring the fact that men also clean, is a much more subtle and subconscious promotion of female gender stereotypes. In ‘Feminism for Beginners’ Watkins talks about how
“Men can claim to play a greater role in parenting today, but 90% of all childcare still rests on women’s backs” (Watkins, Rueda & Rodriguez 1992, p.148)
The accuracy and credibility of the statistic provided is highly questionable, yet the point still remains that women do account for a greater percentage of domestic work. While this is true, the men that do contribute should be recognised and targeted also, not because they deserve greater praise, but because the targeting, solely of women, by domestic product adverts only further predicates such stereotypical gender roles. The fact that the media send such strong messages to males and females about the sorts of gender roles commonly accepted only serves to perpetuate them further.

Being that “Ecover’ is an ecologically considered product manufactured with regard to the environment and pollution it is promoted in a very liberal, eco-friendly tone of voice. This style is also mimicked in the way the advert addresses the audience, involving a liberal sounding woman with a joyful voice who clearly cant get enough of washing the pots. It could be construed that the advertiser uses this tactic to further mask the stereotypes illustrated and promoted within the advert; giving a false sense of the company’s open-mindedness.

It is true that the world today is a more gender equal place. Women have many more opportunities, personally and professionally, along with many more rights. Similarly, it is much more acceptable for men to work domestically and as housekeepers. It can be seen that there is a much more even crossover between gender roles and there is a much greater recognition and opposition towards sexual inequality. Sexual objectification is more highly recognised and challenged meaning women are more freely able to live their lives without fear of being materialised. Yet, every day, people witness such severe and entrenched gender role enforcement without even noticing it. It is still commonly accepted, by both sexes, that men take the role of being the earner, while women look after children, cook meals, and maintain the household.

The constant addressing and depiction of women as the only sex to be involved in cleaning, cooking, and childcare by domestic products companies serves to familiarise the public with this image. The audience, men and women alike, see a woman promoting toilet cleaner on the television, or voicing the benefits of a new vacuum cleaner on the radio, and recognise it as the standard. This then leads people to enact what they see in real life, continuing to conform to the same gender roles apparent over 1000 years ago.

The consumer society we live in dictates that, to maximise sales, a target market should be established and promotion should then be concentrated on that group. People neglect the fact that such groups, in reality, involve a whole range of individuals and only recognise the group. Advertising and consumer media enforce the group mentality, not only to increase sales, but also to make the public believe in such groups and their relevant roles so that people maintain their patterns of spending.  It can, therefore, be concluded that, due to the nature of advertising, and the way that gender roles are depicted and targeted, advertising and consumer media enforce female gender stereotypes to a serious extent.

Final Word Count: 2982 words.


1.     Watkins, S.A., Rueda, M. and Rodríguez, M. (1994) Feminism for Beginners /, Cambridge: Icon Books.
2.     Figure 1 – Cillit Bang Ad – A Million Women Are At It 2008, Video, JesusCaine, 3 March, Viewed 2 April 2014, <>.

3.     Andermahr, S., Lovell, T. and Wolkowitz, C. (2000). A Glossary of Feminist Theory /. London: Hodder Arnold.
4.     Goffman, E. (1979). Gender Advertisements. USA: Harper & Row Publishers.
5.     Figure 2 – Cif – The Cauldron and the Crown 2012 (UK), Video, HallOfAdvertising, 12 October, Viewed 4 April 2014, <>.

6.     Oakley, A. (1974). Housewife. London: Penguin Books Ltd.
7.     Figure 3 – Aunt Bessie’s ‘Yorkshire Puddings’ Advert 2009, Video, utalkmarketing1, 6 October, Viewed 4 April 2014, <>.

8.     Figure 4 – Ecover TV Advert – Feel Good Cleaning 2012, Video, EcoverUK, 5 January, Viewed 15 April 2014, <>.

9.     Gill, R. (2007). Gender and the Media. Cambridge: Polity Press.