Friday 14 November 2014

OUGD601. COP3. Secondary Research: Documentaries/Lectures.

as part of my investigation into communication and digital technology i came across a series of short documentaries, funded by ericsson (of sony ericsson), that talked about how our world is changing technologically and how this influences methods and forms of communication. i thought it was a bit suspicious that the series was funded by ericsson because i thought it would mean their influence being apparent in the bias or conclusions of the shorts. having watched the documentaries, and having done a bit of investigation into ericssons motives (generally and in relation to the series), i concluded that their role was mainly financially and that they had, as far as i could tell, left the investigations, findings and outcomes presented to the researchers and academics involved. because the conclusions were not wholly positive, in terms of technology's impact on our future, the series' motives and presentation lead me to believe that the progression and production was independent. there was a bias to an extent (as there always is) but each short did consider multiple stances and viewpoints and gave a board context to each. still a little suspicious of ericssons financial involvement, i decided to conclude that their motive was to cast the company in a better light and demonstrate to the audience that they were making changes in line with considerations for the future of the plant and humanity. whether or not this was for my own peace of mind im not completely sure, however, it let me continue to take the documentaries at face value and not question every statement. i took notes in my notebook:

Thinking Cities.

On the Brink.

Shaping Ideas.

The Future of Learning.

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