Friday 14 November 2014

OUGD601. COP3. Progress Tutorial with Richard.

on the 31st of october i had a progress tutorial with richard concerning the progression of my research and dissertation. in preparation for the tutorial i went over my feedback from my cop3 presentation and looked into the areas suggested and the advice given. i researched the points made so that i had a more in depth understanding and then, from the themes of my essay, went on to consider a better working title. the main problem outlined in the presentation was that my title was too lengthy and encompassed to many broadly related topics. i made attemps to word in better and to word it so that it fully explained the question i was investigating.

the question i decided to choose, being the strongest, was the 'to what extent has communication technology...'. i thought this was the one that best illustrated what i want to investigate. richard agreed.
i was also asked to generate a loose plan for the structural separation of the chapters of my essay.

while i scribbled down feedback (below the line on the image above) richard wrote down a formal plan of action for my progression.

the meet was really useful and gave me a good idea of what i needed to do next.

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