Friday 14 November 2014

OUGD601. COP3. Lecture 1: Organising Your Research Project.

due to my absence in the first week i was unable to attend the first COP lecture, however, i recognised the importance of the information provided in it and so talked to my peers about the content and made some notes from their notes. i then went on to look over the powerpoint and take some more notes so that i fully understood what was said.

Planning the Project:

- write down all the questions i want to answer
- critically evaluate each and choose the best two
- write down my first thoughts
- develop a working title

Project Outline:

- deadline 15 weeks
- consider that i have a life as well
- allow time for reading and writing


- find key texts
- find secondary sources/critiques of chosen texts for triangulation
- use journals


- If a student’s CoP3 research involves human subjects
(1) and/or data not in the public domain (2) then ethical
approval must be granted by their supervisor / programme


- is a questionnaire/interview useful/appropriate?
- consider the wording of the questions
- what do i actually need to find out?
- be precise
- how will it be recorded?


- is observation useful to my project?
- what do i want to find out from it?
- plan carefully and consider how the data should be interpreted


- Don’t procrastinate

- Plan research methods carefully

- Select the most appropriate research
methods for the project

- Document all stages of the process carefully

- Produce a detailed project outline, with
timings, and stick to it

- Get the most from your supervision

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