Friday 19 April 2013

OUGD404. Design Principles. Grids & Layout. Construction of Grids.

must know the requirements for the publication before you can start making the grid.
start with thumbnail sketches to get the basic layout etc. thumbnail should be proportionate to actual product. consider Fibonacci.

consider the number of columns needed.
1 column for txt/illustration gives you little freedom of layout and sizing of images.
2 columns gives you more freedom of splitting columns for text and image.
3 columns allow for equal grids with introduction of rows as well.
more gives you more freedom and the ability to split text and image up equally or how you want.
6 column grids are disadvantageous generally. give you lees room to move around. very rigid and unadaptable.

statistics, figures, graphs, trend lines use 4 columns per page. 4 columns can be subdivided by 8, 16, 32 etc.

width of column dictates the size of the typeface. must consider the final product in choosing this size to ensure legibility and readability.

make a variety. enlarge parts of the thumbnail or the whole thumbnail and see how it looks. does it still work? compare them to each other and repeat the test process to find the best working layout. trial and error.

the first line must fit flush to the top limit of the column grid. last line must stand on the bottom limit. play around with leading, justification, point size. grid field could be too high or low for text size and spacing. text should be equal in equally sized fields. the depth of the field ascertains how many 10pt type lines i have. use as a loose guideline. will also be affected by the actual copy.

font heights
can work out the size of other bodys of text from the body copy sizing.
draw a line just on the top of the ascender and one on the baseline of the letters 3 lines below. for subheadings or headings make the size of the text fit two lines of text in that same space (made by the lines)
4pt type and 6pt leading would make 7pt type and 10pt leading.
keep doing this with the bigger and bigger text to maintain equality in sizing and upscaling.

type and picture
8 & 20 grid fields are the main ones.
 8 field used generally for advertising etc. 8grid can be divided into 16 grid field and so on. gives you more possibilities. remember to use the gutters to check equal spacing and sizing ( a line of text should run inside the gutter)
8 grid fields allow for various sizes of images. need a good perception of composition when using image.
20 field grids give 42 possibilities for layout options.

in indesign.

to show the basic grids you go view>grids&guides>show doccument grid.

to create grids and guides on the page go to layout>create guides>then choose your desired columns/rows.

use the scripts tool to add guides to an object. go to window>automation>scripts. select the object(s) you want to add guides to and how many etc and then press ok.

cmd+; switches grids on and off.

to add or alter boxes and fields use the pathfinder. go to object>pathfinder>add (or choose another option accordingly)

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