Friday 19 April 2013

OUGD404. Design Principles. Grids and Layout. Divine Proportions.

we were introduced to the new aspect of the design principles module - grids and layout. this section will work towards the design and production of an investigation into what is a book? the body of work we produce will informa and instruct us of the processes and methodologies of book publication.

Fibonacci Sequence.

the fibonacci sequence is a mathematical formula found in nature that works on the principal of adding the previous number to the current - 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34. in layout design it is used to determine proportions - it is a proportion tool not a measuring tool. its ratio is 8:13 and follows the Golden Section which is derived from snail shells and such. a page can be divided into sections like below and can then be allocated to headlines, bodys of copy, captions, images etc.

Golden Section.

the golden section works with the fibonacci sequence and the ratio is 8:13. 1.62 is the number used to create layout designs by measuring a page length/width and dividing it by 1.62 and then making guide lines on the page. you can then get equal and repeatable spacing on a design. a golden rectangle is a rectangle in which the ratio of length to height can be broken down to 8:13.

Bathers at Asnières
The Fighting Temeraire
The placement of the golden ratio intersections varies according to the proportions of the canvas.  In the first format below, the golden sections divide the square canvas almost in thirds.  In the second format (a 1 x 2 ratio, for example a 12 x 24 canvas) the lines fall closer to the centre:

Rule of Thirds.
for aesthetic purposes. governs the placement of points of interest in a layout. divide an image into 3rds - 9 squares. the magazines below are broken into thirds showing the organisation of txt and image following the rule.

we were asked to doa layout of the fibonacci sequence/golden ratio

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