Monday 26 November 2012

OUGD401. Context of Practice. Essay Sources and planning.

richard gave us the essay brief to write a 3000 word essay + bibliography about a question of our choice from 5 set questions.

the question i chose to answer is

ive decided that im goin to base my time period in 1970-1990 in New York City.
the topic of art/design i am going to study is Graffiti art (not to be confused with street art).

i went to the library and found a selection of books that i think will help with my research and essay.

  • Murray, J.T, Murray, K.T. (2006) 'Burning New York', Calafornia, Ginko Press Inc.
  • Cooper, M. (2008) 'Tag Town', Arsta, Dokument Forlag.
  • Martinez, H. (2004) 'Graffiti NYC', New York, Prestel.
  • Cooper, M, Sciorra, J. (1994) 'R.I.P. New York Spraycan Memorials', London, Thames & Hudson.
  • Chalfant, H, Prigoff, J. (1987) 'Spraycan Art', London, Thames & Hudson.
  • Felisbret, E. (2009) 'Graffiti New York', New York, Abrams.
  • Naar, J. (2007) 'The Birth of Graffiti', Munich, Prestel Verlag.
  • Nosé, M. R, (2000) 'New York City Graffiti', Tokyo, Graphic Sha Publishing Co.

other sources used in the essay.

writer, (date) 'title', [internet], url, date last accessed.

Oxford University Press, (2013), 'Oxford Dictionaries Definition of Graffiti', [Internet],, [15 Jan 2013].
source of wild style image:

Wikipedia, (Date Absent), 'Wild Style Movie. Jpg', [Internet],, [21 Jan 2013].


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